How to Store Pet Food: The Top Five Best Practices – The Pet Blog Lady

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(Container from Tightvac)

When storing pet food for your favorite furry friends at home, you must store their food properly. Too often, we can make mistakes that could cause potential health hazards to our cat or dog. We love our furry friends, so we want to ensure that we provide them with the freshest food possible!

If you’re looking for tips to keep your pet’s food safe and fresh, then you’re in luck! In this article, we will go over some of the best practices for storing pet food. With these tips, storing pet food will be easy, and your pet will enjoy fresh food daily!


#1: Avoid Excessive Heat or Moisture

The first tip is to avoid excessive heat and moisture. Heat and humidity can lead to spoilage, so store your pet food in a cool, dry place away from heat sources like stoves or heat vents. Some of the most common mistakes people make are storing pet food in the garage.

Cat food, specifically wet cat food, can be stored anywhere that’s cool and dry, but dry dog kibble can be an issue in the garage. Many problems could arise, such as bugs, damp moisture, mold, and more. When storing pet food, the best rule of thumb is to keep it where you would store it. 

#2: Keep the Pet Food in Its Original Container

Keep the pet food in the original packaging. This is the best way to keep your dog or cat’s food fresh, as it comes from the manufacturer. One of the reasons you should keep the original packaging when storing your pet’s food is because it provides you with an expiration date.

Dry dog kibble is best kept in the packaging that it came in, as plastic containers or other containers can often taint the product before your dog can enjoy all of it! To give your cat or dog the same freshness every meal, store their food in its original packaging.

#3: Use an Airtight Container for Storing Pet Food

Another rule when storing pet food is to use an airtight container. This is because exposure to oxygen and moisture can cause your pet’s food to go bad, leading to stomach issues for your furry friend.

We recommend TightVac’s airtight pet food containers to ensure that you’re using the best possible storage method for your pet’s food! These products were designed specifically with pets in mind, so they’re durable and keep out moisture and air and help keep your pet’s food fresh for longer. The TightVac containers offer value that enables you to save money while your beloved pet enjoys fresher food for longer than it originally could!

Picture3Tightvac’s Pawvac containers feature a unique airtight seal lid, making it an excellent choice for keeping your pet’s food fresh

#4: Always Keep the Pet Food Container Clean

One of the essential practices for storing pet food is to keep the containers clean. Even if you have dry dog kibble, you must keep these containers clean and regularly wash and dry your pet’s items. It may be tempting to leave the dry food containers unwashed but think about the bacteria that could collect over time.

To ensure freshness for your pet’s food, storing pet food in clean containers is a must! Always use soap and water, dry thoroughly, and avoid using bleach to clean up furry friends’ food dishes and containers.

#5: Don’t Leave Wet Food Out Too Long

Finally, avoid leaving your wet pet food out too long! Whether on the floor or in the fridge, you must be mindful of how long the food has been out. Even just one hour of food out in open air for your pet can lead to harmful bacteria collecting.

If you your dog or cat doesn’t finish their food within an hour, you must store your pet’s food in a sealable container in the fridge. This can last up to seven days but also ensure it does not get too cold. Frost and icicles are not great for your pet’s wet food and can also lead to spoilage.

Final Thoughts

With these tips in your home, you can be confident that your pet food will stay fresh and safe. The most important thing to remember is that you should always treat your pet’s food as if it were your food. 



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