Dog Trainers Say These 30 Cheap Things On Amazon Are Pure Genius

Certified Dog Trainer from Animal Behavior College and owner of Mindful Doggo, Jackie Carleen, suggests this training toy. “I’m sure you’ve seen similar toys for cats, but dogs enjoy them too,” she says. “It’s fun, it’s exciting, and it’s amazing physical and mental stimulation.” Also called a flirt pole, this toy has a plush dog toy on the end of a durable nylon rope that’s long enough to play with on walks. Plus, it even comes with an extra toy, so it’s easy to swap it out if your pup chews up the first one.

Carleen explains that this toy has especially useful benefits for dogs who have trouble focusing on walks. “These tools are particularly great for dogs with a high prey instinct and may be triggered by squirrels, bird, or other critters while on their walks,” she says. “This tool channels that energy and behavior into a time and place where it is appropriate so that you can start to eliminate the behavior where you don’t want it, such as on a walk with a strong puller.”

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