10 Ways To Cheer Yourself Up – It Starts With Coffee

Mental Health is something we all need to make less of a stigma. We all have rough mental health days and days in general we just feel down or blah. That’s totally fine and normal. When I have those days I love to find ways to cheer myself up and I hope you enjoy these ways to cheer YOURSELF up so when you have those days come along you know what to do!

10 Ways To Cheer Yourself Up

  • Play with animals: I am not a huge animal person, but how can you be sad when playing with puppies? It’s just not possible. Or watch kids with puppies! THE BEST!
  • Go workout: I mean Elle Woods said it best, endorphins make you happy. But truthfully when I have been in a funky mood and gone to work out I am always so happy after. Workouts really can cheer you up. I love listening to a new playlist or a new podcast episode during a good workout too!
  • Spend time with family: When I am sad my biggest mood booster is playing with Liam, Charlotte, and Andrew! Going to the park or taking the kids outside and hearing their sweet little laughs! THE BEST!
  • Color: I love a good adult coloring book or even kids ones!
  • Watch something funny: Liam and I love watching the Happy Dog TikTok and seeing how excited Liam gets makes me laugh!
  • Meet a friend for a walk: I love going for walks with girlfriends. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and go walk and talk with a friend. I promise you will feel better! I try to do this at least once a week and honestly with how busy we all are it really fills my cup.
  • Make a list of everything good: Everything good in your life. Maybe you can reevaluate why you are in a sad mood when you see everything good in your life! I also try to remember that all the things I have for now I prayed for once. It gives you great perspective!
  • Declutter: Sometimes just crap everywhere can put you in a funky mood. Try to declutter a few spaces and see if that helps!
  • Volunteer: Because when you are helping others you can’t possibly be sad!
  • Paint your nails: Or go get a manicure! Because chipped nails will put anyone in a bad mood!

What would you add to this list? What are some ways to cheer yourself up that you utilize? Here are a few other posts that have a lot to do with being happy! 

This post was originally posted in 2019 but has been updated for 2021!


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