Your browser workflow is a mess — how to organize web apps into a unified hub

It’s hard not to think of the browser as an OS of its own. The hints are all there. On launch, the browser enters a desktop-esque new tab page with shortcuts to your most frequented sites. It has its own laundry list of settings you can customize, multitasking tricks, a third-party add-on marketplace, and more. All the trappings of a full-blown operating system.

Yet, our lives on the web still feel too scattered. Some of your files may be on Dropbox, while the rest are on Google Drive. You might take notes on one service and create to-do lists on another. Unlike a traditional operating system, there’s no cohesive thread that holds it all together, nor a central dashboard where you can access everything, a universal search, or a common file system. Just as it was two decades ago, the browser remains merely a gateway to the internet and nothing more. 

The browser has fundamentally failed to keep up with the times and as people spend increasing amounts of time on it, those shortcomings have become more evident than ever. An emerging legion of startups has set out to offer that missing interface between your cloud workflow and the browser. 

(Image credit: Laptop Mag)

The shift to cloud apps was a step back from a human interaction standpoint, believes Ivan Kanevsk, co-founder and CEO of Slapdash. This service coalesces your activity and data from numerous web apps such as Notion and Google Calendar onto a unified platform. 

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