Educational Games to Keep Your Child Busy at Home

Keeping kids engaged at home is easy with educational toys.

Educational Games to Keep Your Child Busy at Home

They say “It takes a village to raise a
child”. Alas! Where can you find that village in these times of nuclear family
custom? Most of the parents raise their kids alone. Keeping those hands busy
takes a great toll of effort.

Pandemic is giving us all a hard time. Kids
these days are addicted to TV screens
. Why? Because parents seek
this as solace in order to escape the pressure of entertaining them all day.
Just when you retire onto the sofa’s after finishing all your chores, your
little one prods you to play with them. Has it occurred to you? We know most of
the parents would agree as they deal with such situations daily!

So, here we have curated some fun educational games to keep your kiddo busy and occupied all day long. Take a look at it:

1. Playdough

Your child will spend hours getting their
hands to form various exotic shapes using playdoughs. There are numerous
activities you can arrange with playdough. This is a great sensory activity
that will enhance their grip over things. Initially, your child may not develop
an instant interest. But slowly, you will be delighted to see their creativity
forming various shapes and sizes.

2. Science experiments

We are not talking about hi-fi science
experiments here. There are simple toddler experiments such a drop of soap
chasing the pepper away, turning milk into the plastic using vinegar, watching
vinegar dissolve the eggshell and many more to wow your child and increase
their curiosity in science. You may be required to be with them (of course to
show the experiment). But they will remain engaged for a long time.

3. Sensory tub

This is going to be a messy play! Fill a
bin with rice, beans, jell-O, spaghetti, corn meals, etc. Hand them some spoons
and jars to fill up. A good 30 minutes of playtime guaranteed by us. You will
be required to sit along with them to make sure nothing goes inside their
mouth. You can warn them ahead but supervision is certainly required here.

4. Puppet storytime

 Let’s make the usual storytime a bit
more interesting. Use your old socks, his/her plush toys, and a lot of
imagination to create some characters out of their favourite storybook. You
will see them asking you to repeat the story on and again. This is a must-try
activity for productive storytime.

5. Elementary puzzles

Puzzles are one such educational games that
are packed with fun and lots of learning. Board or online puzzles, both can
enhance their tactile and fine motor skills. You can buy age-appropriate
puzzles for your child and participate along with them. This can be a fun
indoor game when you are at home and kids need some brainstorming.

6. Paper and scissors

Let those tiny hands become crafty. Hand
them some charts and a child-friendly scissor. You can draw a pattern and ask
them to cut through it. They may not cut along the pattern but they will be
staying put for hours together. Give this game a try. Also, with practice, they
will gain better hand-eye coordination.

7. Stacking and sorting educational games

Kids love to stack and block. This is
considered as one of the best developmental toys by experts. You will see them
making buildings, houses etc. and giving wings to their ideas. This game
requires very less attention of the parents thus you can relax and go about
your business.

8. Mixed reality games

 Technology is making the impossible
look possible. The penetration of technology into our kids’ world is giving us
some major toy goals. There are some offbeat mixed reality, VR, and AR toys in
the market that will keep our kids busy all day and jumping with joy. Imagine
adding a little technological twist to their usual playtime such as drawing.
What if they see their drawings coming to life in the form of stories or games?
Yes. That’s the potential of mixed reality games.

Skipy is one of the popular mixed reality games that encourage creative playtime. Through this your kids not only learn to draw new things but will be encouraged to explore more as they see their creations coming to life telling stories or interacting in the form of games. Give Skipy a try today and see it yourself!


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