Built for Purpose: AI for CX

The last two years have been particularly notable for generative AI’s meteoric rise in both the public consciousness and business adoption. From ChatGPT’s sprint to a hundred million users, to tech giants Microsoft, Google, Adobe and others integrating AI-enabled components into their product offerings, it’s all the rest of us can do to keep up. Using AI to improve the customer experience (CX) represents an exciting new frontier for both businesses and consumers. Over the next several years, AI is poised to make a significant impact, addressing the unique challenges and requirements of customer experience management.

But when it comes to AI for CX, not just any old AI system will do. And just because your organization might have needed an AI solution yesterday, doesn’t mean you should charge ahead without forethought. Purpose-built AI for CX is an important driver for a successful AI integration.

Step 1: Develop a Foundation

Incorporating purpose-built AI starts by ensuring that your systems are AI-ready. This means your organization has available talent and systems that will allow you to seamlessly incorporate AI into your current operations. This is capped off with the drive and leadership buy-in necessary to put such systems in place.

Before you begin your AI-for-CX journey, you’ll need to have a solid foundation to build on. Do you have the right cloud infrastructure to facilitate scalable AI integration? Is your data clean and accessible for AI model training? Is your CX tech stack unified? Do you have leadership buy-in for the project? All these things are crucial for a successful AI integration.

Step 2: Strategize a Framework

As you continue to develop your AI plan, developing a framework will be essential. Your new AI solution will need to adhere to relevant compliance laws. In addition, you should take care to ensure data privacy is baked in. Not only will this ensure you’re in compliance with the latest rules and regulations, but it will also build consumer trust in your brand.

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