Best Health and Wellness Apps – It Starts With Coffee

If you have followed me for a while you know that health and wellness are very important to me. I even have a wellness series I have been doing on my blog all year. Having apps on my phone that are easy to use, handy, and bring more health and wellness to my life is key. I have rounded up what I think are the best health and wellness apps that you will for sure love if you give them a try.

best health and wellness apps

Best Health and Wellness Apps

Peloton: You do not need a bike or treat to use the Peloton app! I love the app (even during travel) for yoga, barre, pilates, and strength workouts. Plus there are great outdoor walks and runs as well!

Headspace: I have used Headspace for YEARS for meditation!

Melissa Wood Health: One of my favorite types of workouts are MWH workouts. Very mind focus pilates, barre, yoga.

Sleep Cycle: This is a great app if you are trying to figure out if you are getting enough sleep.

Cerebral: Cerebral is an incredible online mental health app to find a therapist and schedule appointments that work around your schedule.

Calm: Another great app for meditation! I haven’t tried this one personally but have a lot of friends who love it.

5 Minute Yoga: I love this app for quick yoga workouts.

Reflectly: Amazing interactive journaling app that’s perfect for reflecting on life.

Super Habit: This is a great one if you are trying to keep up healthy habits. For example, you could put “drink 80 oz of water a day” ” get 8 hours of sleep” etc and check off each day you do it throughout the year.

Water Tracker Reminder: Perfect if you are struggling to drink enough water.

I would LOVE to know what health and wellness apps you use and love?

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