7 month old male Labrador Cross available for adoption

Nadal is a 7 month old male Labrador Cross. He has a soft short coat and he is full of cheeky puppy energy. He is a very lively, people-friendly puppy, he just wants to run and play all the time, he does have a high energy level and he is friendly with other dogs he is living with.

We think it would be best that he is homed where there is another dog to keep him company and to play with him. He is clean in the house, and gets up to all the usual puppy tricks! He is best suited to an active family, who love to spend time outdoors, going on long countryside and beach walks so he can burn up some of his energy.

Committed owners will easily handle his training needs and puppy development, with some positive training Nadal will make a wonderful pet. He does walk well on his lead. Not cat tested. We think children over 13 due to his exuberance.

Current location is in Spain can travel to the UK once he has a home to go to in July / August.

Adoption Fee : £395 – to be paid direct to the Spanish rescue to cover new, excessive, extra EU travel costs, via UK bank account.

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