5 Ways To Focus On Your Mental Health – It Starts With Coffee

I think mental health is something that we should all focus on and talk about more. Regardless of whether or not you struggle in that department, everyone should work on their mental health. It’s something that means different things to different people but I wanted to share 5 ways to focus on your mental health that I implement that I think you’ll find helpful!


5 Ways To Focus On Your Mental Health

I take time for myself: I am very lucky that I married a man that is supportive of me being my own person. He wants me to do things for myself and never complains or makes me feel bad if I need to take time for myself. Even if this means just going into our bedroom for a few minutes so I can have a few minutes alone. Or maybe it means meeting up with friends for HH. Whatever it is I do it. It resets me and fills me up.

I do things that make me happy: For me, this is working out, going for walks, reading, doing a face mask, getting a manicure. Things like that. I love being able to do the things that make me happy and I truly think doing that makes me a better wife and mom. I know that when I exercise it really makes a HUGE difference in my mental health. When I do things to take care of myself it makes a HUGE difference in my mental health. When I do things that make ME happy it makes a HUGE difference in my mental health. I’m fairly sure that’s the same with everyone.

I ask for help: I ask my husband for help when I need it. I call my mom and ask her to help with the kids if I need it. We hire a babysitter, talk to a therapist etc. Asking for help is SO IMPORTANT!

I better myself: I read a lot about mental health, and I read a lot for fun. I take note when I am short with my husband or my kids. When I lose my cool. I try to do things that make me an all-around better person. I am not perfect by any means, but I try to be better.

I get outside: This has been HUGE for me for the past year and a half. I started a thing about 18 months ago where I try to go for  walk outside every day. Some days I can’t because of weather but if the weather allows I do it. The fresh air and sun makes a HUGE difference in my mental health. Even playing outside with my kids, jumping on the trampoline, etc. Just being outside.

I think taking care of our mental health is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. So these are the things I try to focus on since they are things I can control.

What is something you do for your mental health?


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