Tips For Better Online Shopping Experience (2022)

Online shopping is one economic sector that thrived during the global pandemic. So much so that in 2021, the worldwide retail ecommerce generated approximately $5.2 trillion in sales. It’s unsurprising, considering many brands had to adapt and open up online platforms to accommodate internet buyers.  

Today, online shopping continues to grow. Most people still shop in the comfort of their homes, allowing them to receive their items in a day or two without ever leaving their houses. But as the market becomes more crowded, the experience could become more challenging, especially for new shoppers. For instance, they could fall victim to scam merchants or miss out on discount opportunities from trusted stores. 

The following tips give light on a better online shopping experience. Read on and learn the details.

Tip 1: Use Known ECommerce Platforms

Always go for established online shopping platforms like Amazon, Walmart, and eBay. These sites are likely equipped with security protocols that ensure a safer shopping experience. 

Meanwhile, be on the lookout for malicious copycats of these famous platforms. Many hackers can create fake duplicates of known websites to trick users into giving their information. 

Knowing how to identify fake websites can help you avoid them. There are many ways to differentiate malicious sites from the original. For instance, fraudulent sites often have (deliberately) misspelled domain names or URLs to dupe would-be buyers. Another red flag to look out for is if a website straight away asks for financial information from visiting shoppers. Remember that legitimate ecommerce sites never ask for sensitive financial details—at least not right away. 

Tip 2: Check for Merchant Reviews

Shopping online from an established brand is better, so you can always visit their nearest branch for guidance if there’s any trouble with the item you bought from their store. 

But if you’re buying from a merchant or a reseller, it’s best to do thorough research on them first. How do you do that? Take time to find out more about their store. Start by looking for public reviews outside the merchant’s seller page on other platforms. 

Checking product reviews has become a norm in the era of online shopping—and every online shopper should practice this as a habit. But beware still, as merchants of knockoff products are also on the rise. That’s why making sure you’re buying from a trusted source is vital.

Caution: If the offer is too good to be true, it probably is. Online stores that promise products at ultra-low prices are suspicious. They could sell defective products or have no items to provide. It could be just a ruse to get a shopper’s money. 

Tip 3: Avoid Online Shopping in Public

Shopping online in public networks may seem harmless, but it does pose various risks to shoppers. For one, using free WiFi connections could endanger users. Hackers can compromise public links and redirect user information to their computers. Unfortunately, there’s no way for users to tell if their WiFi connection’s been affected. 

Also, hackers can gather more than just a user’s financial information. They could also gain access to passwords and other sensitive data stored in the shopper’s device. Accessing the internet using one’s mobile data when shopping in public places is still advisable. 

Apart from hackers, you should also watch out for malicious individuals snooping nearby. Be vigilant when taking out your credit card and entering its vital information like number and expiration date. Someone with a quick eye and a sharp memory could get everything in a second. 

It may be best to avoid shopping online in public places altogether. 

Tip 4: Maximize Discount Finders

As shoppers, you want to get the best deals possible to save money. Some online shoppers would wait for seasonal sales to get prices off their desired products. Meanwhile, others would utilize discount finders and trending hashtags to get the best coupons on their favorite brands. 

DontPayFull offers exclusive discount codes to different online stores. Shoppers could get up to 60% off or bundle deals from such apps. That’s why visiting these sites is best before going on with your orders. It sure can save you a ton of money.

Tip 5: Use Credit Cards or Digital Wallets

Avoid using your debit card when shopping online. Debit cards don’t have the same safeguards as credit cards. For instance, most credit cards offer fraud protections that enable users to shop anywhere with fewer risks. It makes them a better gateway when paying for anything online. 

Here’s something better: You can add a layer of protection to your online shopping with an extra credit card. You can designate all your online shopping transactions to another account. That way, you can immediately shut it down for any issue without affecting other transactions. 

Using digital wallets is also an excellent alternative to using credit cards. Digital wallets like Paypal and Venmo also offer safe transactions. For instance, they use multiple layers of security to hide a user’s credit card number for every online buying. 

Happiness is Clicking that Buy Button

The world of online shopping continues to grow. However, it has evolved so rapidly that it’s become intimidating to many users. 

Still, you’re on the safe side. Various modern tools and techniques give shoppers a safer and more enjoyable shopping experience. Remember all the safety tips discussed in this article before purchasing anything online, and avoid falling victim to scammers.

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