Thoughts On The First Day Of Kindergarten – It Starts With Coffee

Today Liam starts Kindergarten. I know every mom says this but it truly feels like he was just born. These five and a half years have flown by, although at certain times it didn’t seem that way. I knew I wanted to share my thoughts on the first day of Kindergarten and I know so many of you can relate.

thoughts on the first day of Kindergarten

Thoughts On The First Day Of Kindergarten

So today I drop my baby boy off at a new school (even though we’ve been playing on the playground for years) and I will have no idea what he does all day. He’s coming from a preschool where we got pictures throughout the day as well as a detailed report of what he did all day so this will be an adjustment. We met his sweet teacher last week, we saw his classroom, and we walked around the school a bunch. He does have a few friends in his class from soccer and the neighborhood which definitely helps. HE IS READY!

I am too, it’s just a big change. When your child starts a new school you kind of are too. You have to find your place, find your group, and get to know people. Just like they do.

I shared in a post some different traditions we do and hopefully, these things have made today special for Liam. I know he will be nervous and I will be too. I always remind him that mommy and daddy always come back and when I tell him I will miss him he goes “don’t forget I always come back.”

I know my sweet boy is so ready and I can’t wait to see how much he grows and what he accomplishes this year. It’s a big step, a big change, but we can’t wait!

Have you sent your child off to their first day of Kindergarten yet?

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