Surprising Netflix leak hints PlayStation may support new gaming platform

Netflix’s new gaming platform is official, after revealing it will offer games to subscribers at no additional cost with an initial focus on mobile games. Now, a new leak suggests PlayStation may offer a helping hand in kicking off the streaming giant’s expansion into video games.

Spotted by BGR, data miner Steve Moser revealed images hidden in Netflix’s iOS app, including pictures of concept PS5 controllers and Ghost of Tsushima. The post also showed a Netflix Game logo and a shark fin. 

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According to the leak, Netflix’s upcoming game platform is currently under the working name of “Shark,” hence the shark fin picture.

While the “Game” logo will most likely be what we see as one of the sections on the streaming platform’s app, there is no explanation why PS5 controllers and the popular PlayStation exclusive would appear in the app. A few days after the post, Moser stated the images had been removed. 

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