How To Make Your Closet Smell Good

Another natural choice, these lavender-scented sachets absorb odors using a simple blend of water, clove, lime, cedarwood, pine needle, anise, and lavender essential oils, while also imparting a fresh, woody scent to mask any lingering smells. Stash one in a dresser drawer or tuck one into the back of your closet (they’re more powerful than you may expect, so you only need to use one at a time). Or, take a few Amazon reviewers’ leads and drop one into your garbage can, diaper pail, car, or even in the cabinet under your sink to eliminate rusty or musty smells.

Promising review: “OMG. 1000 stars. I left a watermelon in my car. Exploded. Yes, disgusting! I tried everything, rug cleaner, diluting with water, rubbing alcohol, febreeze, rug shampoo, vacuumed over and over, I could not get rid of the smell. This item was delivered last night, I put it in my car at 630am, by 9am, the gross scent was gone !”

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