How To Have a Healthy Summer – It Starts With Coffee

I feel like the beginning of the year and summer are when everyone wants to jump on the healthy bandwagons. I love summer because I feel like the sunshine motivates me to be outside more. If you are on the how to have a healthy summer bandwagon you do not want to miss this post!

how to have a healthy summer

How To Have a Healthy Summer


Get outside every day: Have you ever noticed how much happier you are when you spend time outside? I do. Even when it’s warm, something about a short walk around the neighborhood, or just playing outside when my kids lifts me up. This is why Vitamin D is SO IMPORTANT!

Up your water intake: Nothing says summer like feeling dehydrated right? Wrong! Up your water intake! One thing I am doing is making myself drink 20 oz before my first coffee, and 40 oz after my first coffee. Not chugging it but I can’t have coffee before. I also add lemon to mine which I feel not only makes me drink more but it’s a great source of Vitamin C! If you need more motivation grab a new reusable water bottle!

Make fresh smoothies daily: This is something I do all year round but I love making smoothies for all four of us. We all have them every afternoon and both my kids LOVE them! If you have kids that aren’t into smoothies try pouring them into popsicle molds and freezing them. I have been doing this and kids think it’s a treat, but really it’s a green smoothie and everybody wins.

Mix up your workouts: One thing I love about the Peloton is the amount of variety. I can do a ride, a run, yoga, pilates, barre, strength, boot camp, cardio, etc. So every day is different and I think that’s good. Not only will you not get bored, but it tricks up your body too!

Embrace your body: WEAR THE SWIMSUIT! WEAR THE SHORTS! WEAR THE DRESS! Stop hiding behind clothes. Embrace your body and wear all the summer clothes.

Get in some summer reading: Reading is good for your brain, it’s a good escape mentally, and it’s fun! So I try to really read as much as I can, which is why it’s always a part of my monthly goals.

Garden: I think gardening is good for many reasons: It gets you outside (see above), you can grow fruits and veggies to eat, and you can do a family activity.

Do more as a family: We love to go on family walks around our neighborhood or at the lake, we love to go to the park, etc. Gardening as I mentioned above is a great activity for a family and something good to teach children. Doing things as a family and getting everyone involved is such precious time.

What is one thing you do to have a healthy summer?


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