How Proactive Support Builds Brand Loyalty and Business Value

Anticipating the concerns of customers is critical in the post-pandemic world. Here’s how organizations can leverage proactive support as a revenue driver.

When a customer reaches out to a company, it’s likely because something has gone wrong. Customer service functions typically serve to manage defective products, shipping delays, billing issues and other problems. However, in the digital age, consumers expect more from brands than just standard service. They want to be surprised and delighted at every stage of their customer journey.

For companies, this means it’s no longer enough to snuff out fires that already took place. To meet these outsized needs, customer experience (CX) teams must adopt a more forward-thinking mindset or a proactive support strategy.

Defining Proactive Support

Traditionally, customer service has been a reactive field. Customers are the first to reach out — typically about a problem or issue that has already transpired — and are looking for a solution to an unsatisfactory experience. On the other hand, proactive support occurs when companies attempt to prevent problems or meet the needs of customers before they need to reach out.

But how do companies predict the future? The answer is a combination of both human insights and predictive analytics. Having engaged agents who know how to serve and delight customers is key, but so is having the right data and analytics tools in place to draw conclusions from.

“No matter how good your agents are, if you don’t have the data and single customer view that will enable them to understand everything about your customers, it’s very difficult to be proactive,” Brad Birnbaum, founder of Kustomer, said.

Why It Matters

Most importantly, offering proactive support is an effective way to boost customer satisfaction: according to research from Kustomer, 77% of customers said they like it when business communicate with them “in a proactive and personalized manner.”

When companies can be upfront about issues and attempt to solve them without the customer needing to spend additional time of effort, it improves trust. In addition, customers who feel they receive a better experience with a brand are more likely to stay loyal to them in the future.

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