How Adding ChatGPT to Bing Will Speed Refinement of Search and SEO

Google’s biggest competitor is said to be integrating ChatGPT into search. What’s the marketing impact?

ChatGPT, the natural language processing (NLP) model developed by OpenAI, has caused a sensation online since its Nov. 30 debut. The high level of buzz among tech enthusiasts, casual and professional alike, continued through the holidays as people experimented with the artificial intelligence-driven chatbot. The platform can be used to generate humanlike text to queries in real-time. And even our own writers and editors have explored the potential value of its use.

And now, Microsoft may plan to use ChatGPT to challenge Google in the search engine arena. 

Gradual Rollout for ChatGPT for Bing Search Engine?

The most prominent speculation around ChatGPT this week is that Microsoft is planning to add ChatGPT to its Bing search engine. A gradual rollout is expected as details about ChatGPT’s performance emerge as Microsoft is still weighing how the chatbot’s accuracy will impact its results. This will make Microsoft the first to respond to the potential impact on search engines. Microsoft already has formally partnered with OpenAI’s image-generation AI platform, DALL∙E 2, announcing in October a planned integration with Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service.

ChatGPT already has a leg up on Google search, so any partnership with Microsoft seems like a win over the Silicon Valley search engine giant. ChatGPT incorporates internet pages in its training set to summarize its query responses. Its summarized answers provide a more humanlike straightforward response that users have found convenient — vs. the numerous search-query results Google and others produce and internet users must wade through to discover content.

Further, search engine results appear alongside digital ads in Google’s world whereas ChatGPT results display none. The ad-free chatbox in ChatGPT appeals to those who feel a bit overwhelmed with marketing messages.

Buzz among the tech community is that ChatGPT is a serious threat to Google’s search engine, which easily holds the No. 1 spot for search engine market share. Adding ChatGPT to Google’s chief competitor, Microsoft’s Bing, will certainly make that buzz louder and reinvigorate the fight for search engine market share between Bing and Google. Google has been the default search choice among consumers, dominating share to such an extent that it is the primary focus of SEO trends and tactics for thousands of businesses, marketing and content teams.

Related Article: OpenAI’s New ChatGPT Might Be the First Good Chatbot

Is ChatGPT a Real Game Changer for Search Engines and SEO? 

ChatGPT has generated some pretty astounding results and responses since its launch and is causing many to rethink how they approach their online content optimization strategies. When I tried the platform, I asked for an explanation of Markov chain and received an example of code alongside a description. The same type of query in a search engine would have required me to look among several results on a search engine results page and then determine which results were useful to me.

If I’m querying a search engine with a phrase, I can look and see if the results fit what I’m trying to do. If I mention the phrase “apple pies,” I can look at the results on a search page to determine whether I want a recipe for apple pie or the information for a baker who can produce an apple pie. I can also look at the dates of a page and determine if the content is a fit.

ChatGPT sources from the internet, just like a search engine, but it is an artificial intelligence-based fusion of information. As a Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) language model, ChatGPT, which uses the Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT 3) language model, was developed using 570 gigabytes of text. According to the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI, this is 100 times more than the GPT-2 predecessor.

ChatGPT isn’t perfect. It is formatted to provide the best summary in text boxes, rather than display sites ranked according to query relevancy and links to the sources. That summary can mask some details, making it difficult to know for sure if the information is neutral or overtly commercialized. The ChatGPT responses are not determining the value or even relevance of the “answers” it provides.

Despite the extensive training and much-lauded performance, OpenAI noted that ChatGPT operates on a knowledge base that ended in 2021. This means that some of the latest information is omitted in its answers. When I used ChatGPT to look at pipes in R programming, I noticed that it provided the older version of the pipe, which is from a library versus a new version which is incorporated in the latest versions of R programming. This is a minor example — many developers have not started to use the new pipe, and either version is an acceptable convention. But it does reveal how a user should know the nuances of queried topics, and whether any beta-like details matter in how helpful ChatGPT responses are. 

Related Article: ChatGPT’s Impact on Customer Experience and Marketing

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