Daily Horoscope For July 8, 2021

In this daily horoscope for July 8, Bustle’s resident astrologer Mecca Woods, founder of My Life Created, shares the astrological events happening today that will affect every zodiac sign. Below, here’s a look at how astrology will affect our lives today.

Today calls us to take some time to reflect and check in with ourselves, as the moon moves home to intuitive and tenderhearted Cancer by mid-morning. As we gear up for July’s new moon in Cancer, we’re encouraged to focus on our emotional well-being and the close bonds that we share with others. As hopeful Jupiter in Pisces teams up with the moon by the afternoon, we get a nudge to seek out people and experiences that uplift us.

Although, if we’re feeling moody or tender, we should take it slow and try to avoid anything triggering or upsetting. But this could be difficult to do, as spicy Venus in Leo faces off with shocking Uranus in Taurus by the late afternoon. As a result, people may not be on their best behavior. However, we can expect this Venus-Uranus mashup to highlight the broken relationships that we need to leave behind, as well as any stressful issues that we need to address. Doing so will foster the security and emotional fulfillment that we’re seeking.

Read below to see what the stars mean for your zodiac sign today, and make sure to check out your July 2021 monthly horoscope.

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You could be feeling like an outcast today or feeling like you don’t quite know where you belong. Remember that home is a place that exists within you. Drop in.

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You might not be on the same page with a family member today, which could have you ready to part ways. Seek out the people who support and encourage you.

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Be mindful of hiding or shrinking yourself today out of a fear of what others think. You’ve got something special about you, and it’s time to put it out there.

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Don’t waste your time focusing on how you compare to others. Your path is yours alone to walk. Remember that you are a trailblazer. Let your light set the world ablaze.

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If there’s something that you want, you’re being pushed to switch up your approach in how you go about getting it. Hint: Use less force and more patience. Divine timing is at work.

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Don’t be so closed off that you miss an opportunity to expand and grow. Others may have something to teach or offer you now. Open your mind and your heart.

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It might be time to call it quits on a friendship or group affiliation that you’ve outgrown, especially if they’re no longer in alignment with your values. Stick to your principles.

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A business relationship may be on the outs. If so, it’s probably something that’s been a long time coming. Don’t waste time trying to salvage it. Better options are on the horizon.

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

You might need to exercise a little impulse control today. While you might be ready to go in a new direction, take some time to mull over how you’re going to do it.

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It might be time to end an relationship, particularly if you’ve done all you can to keep it going. Don’t waste your time holding onto connections that have hit their expiration date.

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Don’t let others disrupt your peace today. Treat your time and energy as the valuable commodities that they are. Besides, you have more important things to focus on.

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How can you switch up your routines to foster more joy in your life? Perhaps it’s time to let go of a unfulfilling or stagnant job situation in favor of something better.

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