5 Tips for a Healthy and Happy Kitten – The Pet Blog Lady

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Adopting and raising a kitten is an incredibly fun and rewarding experience. They provide companionship, cuddles, and constant amusement with their silly antics!

However, owning a kitten is a big responsibility that should not be taken for granted. Kittens are cute, yes, but they are also hugely energetic, curious and at times destructive, and need a lot of time and attention to grow up into happy, healthy, well-adjusted cats. 

So, if you’re looking to get things on the right track with your new furry friend, check out our top five starter tips for raising a healthy and happy kitten.

Feed Them an Appropriate Diet.

Feeding your cat an appropriate diet is extremely important for its overall health and development. Your veterinarian can recommend quality kitten food, high in protein and vitamins, that is specially formulated to provide the energy and nutrients they need to grow up strong and healthy.

At first, your new kitten should be fed at least three times a day, and as they grow this should be altered as needed. Feed your kitten from a shallow plate, which they can easily access, and avoid bottomless food bowls which can lead to overeating and unhealthy weight gain. 

If you decide to change your kitten’s food for any reason, be sure to do so gradually, giving their digestive system time to adjust accordingly. Changing things too quickly can lead to an upset stomach, which in turn can quickly lead to your kitten becoming dehydrated.  


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Keep Them Hydrated.

Make sure that there is always fresh water available for your kitten when they need it, making sure to consistently top up and clean it throughout the day.  Providing a shallow ceramic or metal bowl is best, as plastic ones will get scratched and become a lot harder to keep clean and safe.

Do not however give you cat milk or cream, although it will not do any serious lasting damage, cows milk will give your cat an upset stomach and a bad case of the runs. Specially formulated milk can be purchased from the grocery store if you want to treat your cat from time to time, but otherwise, fresh water is enough.

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Socialise Them Early.

To raise a kitten that is confident and comfortable in the home, it is best to get them socialising with people and other pets as soon as you can.

Within the first few months of your kitten’s life introduce them to as wide a range of people as possible including different ages, genders, and races. Having your friends come over to play and cuddle with your kitten will set them up for a future full of visitors and pet sitters.

If you have other pets in your home (or plan on adding some in the future) it is equally important to get your kitten to meet and socialise with them as well. Introductions should be done gradually, with appropriate safety measures and supervision in place. 


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Play with Them Frequently.

Kittens have a lot of energy to burn, and if they don’t have any other pets or littermates around then it falls to you to help release all their pent-up energy with frequent playtime! Cats and kittens especially love it when you interact with them, so invest in some toys such as a laser pointer or cat teaser and get playing. Remember, owning a cat is a full time, 365 days a year occupation!

While playing with your kitten make sure to quickly shut down any unwanted behaviour such as biting. While they are small play biting might seem cute, but it can quickly dangerous and destructive as your kitten grows. So, make sure to let your cat know early that biting will not be tolerated during play.


Curb Behaviour Problems Quickly

Following on from the last point, any form of inappropriate behaviour should be discouraged as soon as they happen. Cats learn through experimentation, so are likely to try out lots of unacceptable behaviour before getting it right. So, make sure to firmly discourage any behaviour you do not want to be repeated as soon as it happens, as the longer you let the behaviour persist the harder it will be to stop.

However, this is not to say that you should punish your kitten for inappropriate behaviour. Scolding or striking your cat will teach them to be afraid of you, which is going to do a lot more harm than good. Instead, discourage bad behaviour by both providing and rewarding alternatives. If your cat keeps scratching the sofa for example, then get them a scratching post. If they bite during play, remove your hands from the equation and get them a chewable toy.



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