5 iPhone apps you need to ramp up your online privacy

Is your iPhone secure enough? Even though Apple offers plenty of security tools out of the box, there are ways advertisers and malicious actors can still track your activity and personal data. Fortunately, you can plug these privacy holes with third-party apps. 

You can ramp up security on your iPhone and build a higher wall to shield your identity in a few clicks. Whether you want to crack down on sneaky hidden trackers or clean up the crumbs of information you leave behind when you surf the web, the App Store has you covered. Here are the best privacy iPhone apps to get started. 

Jumbo is a one-stop privacy assistant for your iPhone. The app brings a host of handy security tools your phone lacks, and it helps you ward off a range of common online attacks. 

(Image credit: Laptop Mag)

One of Jumbo’s highlights is that it allows you to keep your online reputation in check. It does so by letting you review your old posts on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, and delete the ones you no longer want out there. If you don’t want to wipe your teen posts for nostalgia’s sake, you have the option to archive them with Jumbo. On platforms such as YouTube, Jumbo can automatically clear your browsing history after a certain period of time. 

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